How to go Plant-based with a Raw and Juice Fast

watermelon salad

Watermelon Salad

As a plant-based lifestyle enthusiast, I completely advocate for eating to live and not living to eat. Of course, the concept sounds good and is simple enough, right? For most, making a transition to a healthier lifestyle like plant-based eating is one thing that seems good in theory, but putting a plan into action can be challenging. Maybe you will feel more motivated to start a new way of eating if you knew it would be the answer to some old problems.

Plant-based Living Gives you Energy!

Do you often wake up in the morning with a sluggish feeling—as if the whole world is weighing down on your shoulders? Does this sluggish, lethargic feeling persist throughout the day, leaving you without energy and drive to complete all your tasks? 

Do you have so many things to do but lack the energy and the drive to do all those things? You may have tons of paperwork piled up on your desk, a day’s work of recordkeeping to do, or maybe a whole house that must be vacuumed, a mountain of laundry that needs your attention, or a playdate with your kids that keeps getting pushed back into your calendar. 

Does it already feel like a chore whenever you have to do any of those mentioned above? 

Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you are one of many Americans who are feeling the same way. When you think about it, it’s straightforward—such problems as those mentioned above can be attributed to one single thing: the lack of energy. 

Many Americans eat so much meat that they feel weighed down. Eating more fruits and veggies can make you feel lighter and can give you more energy because your body is using less energy to digest meat.


Plants are easier on the digestive system?

Digestive problems are prevalent in Americans, which can be attributed to things like eating fatty fast foods and too much processed food. There are many forms of digestive issues, ranging from short-‐lived reflux to peptic ulcers, gallstones, chronic constipation, abdominal wall hernia, diverticular disease, gastrointestinal infections, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, liver disease, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, and hemorrhoids.

Consuming more fiber, fruits and vegetables, and water rids us of these issues long term. A change in diet can do more than surgeries, pills, and medical procedures. Whether you choose to eat fresh green leafy vegetables or a cheeseburger; you essentially are what you eat.

A juice and raw fast could help you make the switch.

First, let us tackle why it’s a good option to start a raw and juice cleanse, especially if you are trying to overhaul your life and eating habits completely.   

Eating raw fruits, veggies and juices cleanse and re-boot your gastroinstestinal system and improve your health internally. How? With every morsel of food, you are changing your cellular health and improving your overall longevity. One glass of juice is packed with nutrients, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins which can quickly give your body increased energy. Eating produce in its raw form allows you to consume more nutrient-dense meals and fiber Juicing will regenerate your cells to make you feel and look younger. Blending your fruits and veggies will give you energy, nutrients and added fiber. The added fiber will help you to eliminated toxicity, which can lead to headaches, weight gain, and bloating. Add in extra supplements into your blends. Some favorites are spirulina, sea moss, chlorella, vegan protein, hemp hearts, nuts, seeds or chia.

Things to consider about Raw and juice cleansing

  • Eating raw fruits and veggies, plus drinking fresh juice helps in cleansing your body. In particular, it greatly helps in cleaning your gut, which is essential in preventing colon cancer and resetting your second brain, the stomach.

  • For people who have an addiction to caffeine, carbohydrate, fat, sugar, or alcohol, raw & juicing is the solution. Drinking fresh juice can help you stay away from these addictions. As we know, being addicted to these unhealthy food elements is harmful to our health. Once you get your body cleansed from the above, it’s easier to transition to a plant-based diet simply.

  • Today’s fast-food-filled world suggests more meat and artificial diets than eating healthy, fresh, and chemical-free fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Children are brought up at McDonald’s, literally spend their birthdays there, and are trained to love unhealthy foods over healthy plants. This makes it very difficult for them to eat vegetables despite the need for it. If your diet consists of heavily processed foods, meats, dairy, cheese, and processed sugar, a juice cleanse can be a massive help for you to start eating more veggies without the torment. You’re detoxing your body off the bad and into the good of healthier eating. One glass of vegetable juice may be sufficient to supply your body with enough vitamins and minerals that you need—given that you can combine the right ingredients as you add juicing to your diet. 

  • Let your family know that you are going to be juice fasting. If you prepare most of their meals, delegate someone else with the job. However, make it easy for them with instructions or easy to prepare meals.

Need more info?

Check out Brooke’s ten steps to raw & juice fasting without feeling hungry.

Get the right equipment!

Consider that you will be making a lot of juice and smoothies if you decide to fast. You don’t want to get the kind equipment that will break down on you in the middle. Invest in reliable equipment because if you need a smoothie fast, you don’t want your fast derailed because you have a equipment failure.

Brooke's choice for raw & juice fast equipment

Explore Brooke’s suggestions for Raw and Juice Fasting


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